ABPA — A Product of Amarac Technologies Incorporated

AVAL - Amarac Vehicle Activity Log

AVAL is a user friendly application to help organizations monitor vehicle activities in the field. It records every trip, calculates distance, fuel consumption, trip cost, as well as providing route options using Google Maps and GPS.

The Vehicle Activity Log can pinpoint the location of a vehicle at any point in time. It helps organizations perform analytics for decision support and control operational cost. You can improve transparency and accountability in your organization with this device agnostic tool. One of the key and popular features of the Vehicle Activity Log is AFUEL, which standards for Amarac Fuel Utilization and Expense Log.

By making drivers more accountable, FUEL has saved organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars in gasoline cost and significantly reducing their carbon footprint, and ultimately making a more responsible global citizens in helping with reducing global warming towards saving the planet.

The Vehicle Activity Log also helps orgnizations track vehicle maintenance schedules and maintennce records.

The pricing model is PUPM (Per User Per Month) subscription, with flexible and affordable plans, plus discounts to significant reduce cost.