ABPA — A Product of Amarac Technologies Incorporated

APOS - Amarac Purchase Order System

APOS is an integrated Purchase Order System that enables purchasers and suppliers to conveniently process orders seamlessly.

APOS is built on a robust workflow that enables a purchaser to place an order to a supplier in APOS, the supplier gets notified by email with a link to jump to the PO in APOS, if supplier has an APOS account. A supplier can accept and fulfill an order or reject it.

APOS tracks fulfilled orders and backorders, notifying the purchaser by email when a PO is fully or partially fulfilled, with a link in the email to jump to the order to accept or reject it. If a purchaser is also subscribed to ADIS (Amarac Dynamic Inventory System), the product inventory will be updated by adding the received quantity and if the supplier is subscribed to ADIS, the supplier’s product inventory is also updated by deducting the supplied quantity.